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Manuel and Marla Fernandez

Missionaries to Alaska

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Verse of the Month

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."--Isaiah 55:8-9

Praying for the People of Alaska

Alaska is our 49th State and is about half the size of the continental US. There are currently abut 741,894 people living in Alaska and thousands more tourists every summer. It is a State that is often forgotten and not very desirable to go to because of the extreme cold temperatures and long months of darkness and cloudy conditions. It is America's last frontier and the field is wide open to harvest. Please consider supporting us to get there soon!

Read our latest Newlsetter

Every two months we come out with an exciting newsletter, featuring our happenings, prayer requests, and upcoming events. Please take a moment to read our latest newsletter

Ministry In Alaska

Did you know that Alaska has many  unique opportunities to reach people for Christ? Click here to see how much of an open field it really is!

Take a Look at our Missionary Video

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